A Yoga Journey with Geoff Brooks

18. okt. 2024 00:10 - 20. okt. 2024 Joogaruum, Ristiku 10

Meil on suur rõõm teatada, et oktoobris külastab meid taas joogaõpetaja Geoff Brooks Byron Bay’st, Austraaliast.

Kes on tema varasematel workshoppidel osalenud, teavad, et tegemist on äärmiselt põhjaliku, kirgliku ja inspireeriva õpetajaga. Seekord viib Geoff Joogaruumis läbi põhjalikuma nädalavahetuse koolituse ja ta teeb kokku kolm töötuba – reedel (18.10) 18.30-21.00, laupäeval (19.10) 14.30-17.00 ja pühapäeval (20.10) 11.00-14.00. Kõik töötoad on inglise keeles ja täpsema kirjelduse leiad altpoolt.

Iga töötoa hind on 45 EUR ja kui otsustad osaleda kõigis kolmes, siis nädalavahetuse hind kokku on 100 EUR. Joogaruumi kuukaardi omanikele on iga töötoa hind 30 EUR.

Kuna meie ruum mahutab vaid piiratud koguses osalejaid, siis palume kindlasti registreeruda ja selleks saada palun oma nimi ja valitud töötoa nimi e-mailile gerli@joogaruum.ee ja oma koha kindlustamiseks kanna tagastamatu ettemaks 25 EUR Joogaruum OÜ kontole (Swedbank EE242200221052383402, selgituseks pane Geoff). Ülejäänud summa võid tuua kohapeale sulas.

Rõõmsa kohtumiseni matil!


We are happy to announce that Geoff is visiting Joogaruum again. He returns to Joogaruum with a series of sessions which dive into the deeper wisdom of the practices. In the years he has been coming toEurope to teach, he holds Joogaruum and her community dear to his heart.

⭐ Session 1: Friday 18 Oct 18.30-21.00
Pranayama: The Energy Pathway

Our first session of Geoff’s Yoga journey is to fine tune Pranayama
techniques specifically designed to open energy pathways. We start with movements designed to ready the body, then go through a series of techniques which target different Nadi and Vayu ending with a Kapalabhati practice which has been copied by “Breath Work” practices …however the big difference is in the deeper wisdom of how the energy centres are activated without being over stimulated. Ultimately, it’s a fine tuned practice and experience which leaves us calm, clear and present.

⭐ Session 2: Saturday 19 Oct at 14.30-17.00
Sadhana, A Traditional Hatha Practice.

Sadhana is the way we practice Yoga and the way we love life as a reflection of our practice. More than a regular Yoga class, this experience is in honour to the way Yoga was taught to Geoff by his more renowned teachers. A practice where each layer of what we do is given attention and builds as we continue the journey. As Geoff has now been to Yoga Vibe a number of times he recognises that the students are of a level that can include more experienced techniques, so be prepared to be challenged… yet as per all of his classes, all levels are invited, as the practice allows you to confidently achieve a level where you can understand the
pathway ahead and remain safe, but curious.

⭐ Session 3: Sunday 20 Oct st 11.00-14.00
Chakra, The Ingredients Of Life.

Chakra are part of the way we experience existence. While there are many different ways that Chakra have been interpreted, Geoff gives a clarity and sensibility to how they relate to us as the ingredients of life and how we can experiment with these ingredients to produce different energetic and intentional
outcomes. This could be as simple as needing to feel more grounded(Earth) or determined (Fire), or as complex as comprehending that there are situations where we may need more confidence (Fire) and compassion (Air), in order to express our (Earth) truth (Space) our emotions (Water) with more clarity (Mind). This is one of Geoff’s signature workshops which he has been delivering on YTT’s and as workshops for over 10 years. Bring a notebook as there is so much richness to this experience you’ll want to write it down (some hand
outs provided).

Prices: each session is 45 EUR and for full weekend 100 EUR. For Joogaruum members each session costs 30 EUR (valid membership required).

To register, please send your name, phone number and the name of your chosen workshop to gerli@joogaruum.ee and make a non-refundable pre-payment (25 EUR) to Joogaruum OÜ bank account (Swedbank EE242200221052383402, write “Geoff” in the field of payment details).
The classes will be held in Joogaruum, at Ristiku 10, II floor.


PS also check out and follow the event in FB